How Index CFD Connects You To The Global Market

How Index CFD Connects You To The Global Market


A Contract for
Difference or CFD, as it is popularly referred to, is a type of derivative
trading. In CFD trading, you get to theorize if the price of an asset will
increase or decrease, without you actually possessing the asset. Therefore, how
well a CFD performs is a reflection of the underlying asset. The profit or loss
realized usually depends on how the value of the underlying asset changes to
the opening price.


Here is an in-depth
article on how CFDs allow you to profit from the different underlying financial
assists traded on the global financial market.

Stock CFDs

These are the most
popular CFD contracts traded on the financial markets across the globe. The
prices of the CFDs move together with the value of the underlying asset.
Therefore, if there are major stock market
, the value of the CFDs will also experience a substantial
change in its value.

In CFDs trading, you
can take advantage of leverage, hence allowing you to trade a greater volume of
shares different to what is allowed in traditional investment. You can also
qualify to receive dividends for the value of the underlying assets for every
long trade made. Thanks to this, you get to make money from an extra income
stream. Furthermore, you can sell stock CFDs and make money from a fall in the
share price.

If you wish to trade
CFDs, look out for the most popular stock CFDs, including Tesla stock CFDs,
Google stock CFDs, Facebook stock CFDs, Tesla stock CFDs, and Apple stock

Commodity CFDs

Commodities are
in-demand physical assets and are categorized as either soft or hard
commodities. Some of the most popular commodities to consider when CFD trading include soya beans,
heating oil, crude, gasoline, wheat, corn, and metals. Usually, the quality of
these assets is identical from one product to another, and such products are
referred to as fungible goods. For instance, corn is most likely identical to
the next corn. Thanks to commodity CFDs, you can trade the futures markets of
the underlying asset.

Several elements make
it challenging to trade commodities on the exchange, and these are expiry
dates, dissimilar lot sizes, and varying exchanges for the different
commodities. However, CFD trading offers you a lower trading cost, fewer
complexities when trading, plus you never are confused about the exchange to
choose for certain commodities. Moreover, commodity CFDs trade makes it easier
to manage your risks since the units are a lot smaller compared to the trading

Index CFDs

The index CFDs are
linked to how well the benchmark equity index is performing. There are several
reasons why you should consider trading index CFDs, including low trading costs
and lower margin requirements, compared to stock CFDs reaching as low as 1% in
some markets. Therefore, with a $1000 investment, you can control a
considerable sum of $100,000. Furthermore, you have access to the global market, making it easy to
diversify your portfolio and fairly higher liquidity.

There are numerous
index CFDs you can choose from, but it is best to stick to the common ones.
These include Nasdaq Composite, Nikkei 225, FTSE 100, S&P 500, and Dow
Jones Industrial Average. One crucial thing you must know before investing in
index CFDs is that its value is connected to the corresponding futures market
and not the underlying index. Nonetheless, the actual BID-ASK spread might
change marginally because of dividends and interest adjustments. Another reason
why you should opt for index CFDs is that it can be traded in small lots of 1X
the index value, unlike futures.

Cryptocurrency CFDs

Over the last few
years, cryptocurrencies lead by the most popular one Bitcoin generated a lot of
interest. As a result, the value of cryptocurrencies has continued growing
significantly, with investors willing to take the risk on these volatile assets
due to their great profit potential. The most popular cryptocurrencies other
than Bitcoin include Litecoin, Ripple, and Ethereum.

When looking to get
cryptocurrencies, you need to follow the traditional exchange route, and this
requires dedication and time to install your wallet to store these coins.
Nevertheless, cybersecurity breaches of these wallets have made investors wary
of this method and, as a result, switch to cryptocurrency CFDs. With
cryptocurrency CFS, you don’t own the underlying assets, thus preventing the
risk of loss due to a cybersecurity breach.

You can also get CFDs
on Bitcoin from most online brokers that are crossed to other crypto coins or a
fiat currency such as the EUR or USD. The most popular CFDs on cryptocurrencies
you should consider are;

  • Litecoin crossed with
    the USD
  • Bitcoin crossed with
    the USD
  • Ripple crossed with
    the USD
  • Ethereum crossed with
    the USD


If you knew about CFDs
but didn’t know how to link them to the global financial system, reading this
article has offered you with insights on how to do this. Therefore, you need
not wait any longer to take advantage of these financial instruments to profit
from price movements in the financial market.

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